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Install Forceware 1.4 on sb6120


New Member
Hello all,, ok I have been reading till my head hurts... I have the flashcat usb and could someone PLEASE tell me the steps to install forceware? I can erase, write the original dump back to it but when I try and load the Forceware V 1.4 it loads but when I restart modem 3 blue lights come on and not power. I know the bin file is only 3200k size and not enough. I have loaded the script sb6120.bcs but from that point I am totally lost,, have tried many things like writing but it says it is but no blue light flashing on the flashcat. I used to mess with the sb4200s few years back but honestly I am at the point my head hurts from trying to figure this out alone. I even tried going to the end where the original firmware stops and writing the forceare file from that point but nada....if someone could PLEASE fill me in step by step like a baby you have no idea how much I would be greatful...honestly I am at the point of being lost and do not really want to mess this modem up....thanks in advance if someone can help me out,, Setme55
From what I have read on other forums that size is about right. I think you have to write to second UBI2, then power cycle? It uses a partitioned flash for updating. I may have it backwards. I do know that once a update is sent down line it is written to flash, a bit set, reboot issued, and if update is fine it writes or uses it. That is the reason for partition, if something is wrong it uses UBI1/2 to revert and blank corrupted image. I am very stressed out with this device. I wish we could import usbjtag nt scripts with this software. Would make things so much easier.