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Just received a PCB2.2 model XPORT, w/ a TSOP48 NAND X8 adapter. Using it w/ a uni-48-clip from elsewhere. Software build 655. Takes some fiddling to get the xport to finally pick up the flash chip I'm connecting to, but when it does finally connect, the chip ID is read incorrectly. The stamp on the chip clearly reads Winbond W29N01HV, which should have ID 0xEFF1009500, but the ID is coming back as 0xEFF1809580, which the software is associating with a W29N01GV. However, the documentation for that model states the ID should be 0xEFF1809500. Given that both IDs are supposed to end in '00', it seems that 0x00 is being read as 0x80 by the xport. Also the ONFI cannot be read for some reason.

Additionally every main section, as well as every spare section, of every page appears to contain 0x80 0x80 followed by repeating 0xFF bytes. The first byte of the first and second page spare sections being something other than 0xFF indicates a bad block according to the chip documentation, but considering every single pages main and spare sections both start with this pattern makes me suspect this is something else, and i don't know if it's related to the previous issue.

I'm curious if this is something anyone else has experienced, or if anyone has any input/ideas. Here's the console log:

Connected to FlashcatUSB XPORT, firmware version: 5.32
Hardware version: PCB2.2
Detecting connected Flash device...
Initializing Parallel NAND device mode
Attempting to automatically detect Flash device
Mode NAND X8 ASYNC returned ident code: 0xEFF1809580
Successfully detected device in NAND mode
Connected to Flash (CHIP ID: 0xEFF1809580)
NAND device failed to load ONFI table
Flash detected: Winbond W29N01GV (134,217,728 bytes)
Programming mode: Parallel I/O
Page Information: 64 total pages; 2,048 bytes per page; 64 bytes extended size
Block Information: 1,024 total blocks; 135,168 bytes per block
Device interface: NAND (X8 3.3V)
NAND block manager disabled
Flash device successfully detected and ready for operation
Disconnected from FlashcatUSB XPORT device
So, I've downloaded every build back to 617 (seems the first driver supporting pcb2.2 is in 651, but with that driver, FCUSB versions all the way back to 622 work.) In build 628, page main/spare data from the flash chip no longer starts with '80 80', instead every byte is now 0xFF (though chip ID is still incorrect as detailed previously). But I'm still unable to write data or perform a memory map analysis.

This pattern change seems to indicate this may be a device support issue rather than a hardware problem?
Your issue is because of the clip you are using and connecting to pin DQ7. It would appear EVERY 8th bit is being set high. This would also explain why the ONFI table fails to load.
Your issue is because of the clip you are using and connecting to pin DQ7. It would appear EVERY 8th bit is being set high. This would also explain why the ONFI table fails to load.

Thanks Pantheon. I assume DQ7 =~ IO7 in the winbond datasheet? Would this explain the array data values as well? I would guess if it's just one pin returning incorrect data, then all 0x80 should really be 0x00, but this still would mean that every single pages main and oob areas start with 0x00 0x00 0xFF... which seems a bit odd. Or is the read compromised due to the identification problem?
Disregard. Looks like a pin was slightly out of place. Pushed it back, and now get the correct ID and am able to write. Thank you so much!