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Blackcatusb Bricked


New Member
Ok so I have a blackcatusb PCB 1.7 that used to work fine but when I tried to update the firmware to do SPI one day a long while back it didn't work, and ever since then it stopped working even when I flashed the normal jtag firmware back, it only heats up the chip it actually gets really hot......Is it something that is fixable? Or do I need to replace it?
You can try to reflow the chip on the board to see if that makes a difference. Check to see that there is no bridged soldering. Other than that the Chip itself may be dead and may need replacing.
Yeah I came to that conclusion yesterday :p after reflowing it still dosent work oh well thanks for the reply
You should be able to replace the chip itself , they are quite cheap , and will save you having to buy a new BCUSB ( unless the person who sold it to you is willing to replace it ?)
Nah I bought it from embeddedcomputers I highly doubt it as it has been a while so your saying all I need to replace is the AT190USB chip?
Well you can replace the chip with the Atmega32U2 chip as they go for about $5 or less, you have nothing to loose. In my experience with these boards , i have found that 99% of the time it is the chip that blows.