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New Member
Here is my problem: Tested In Windows 7

LibUsbDotNet version:
BlackcatUSB Script Engine build: 202
Welcome to BlackcatUSB interfacing software, build: 326
Running on: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit)
Initializing EJTAG engine
Device connected in JTAG mode: 7.01
Error connecting to target board

Device Manager Installed Driver

WinUSB Device: BlackcatUSB Operational Mode & DFU Mode - Same Drivers?? Is That OK??


DFU Mode Info

BlackcatUSB Status: connected
Device Mode: Device Firmware Upgrade(DFU)
Connected To Device: ATmega32U2 DFU
Flash Memory Type: ATMEL AVR Flash
Flash Memory Size: 32,768 bytes

I tried many drivers and even drivers from Atmel Flip. This is frustrating I don't know what to do, my first try was on Windows 8 but with the same results.

How do I know if the BlackcatUSB is fried?? I don't think it's the case because it's able to program those HEX firmwares but it doesn't work anyway
Well it seems that the BlackcatUSB 1.8 is only working on SPI Mode which means that the one I bough is jammed, at least that's what I read in the forums. It's possible to program the AVR chip but It's doesn't work when connected to the SB5101. The SB5101 is detected but not recognized by the Blackcat Program! I'll contact the seller for a replacement if possible else I've read that by doing a re flow to the chip I can repair it in some cases. I'll try to post any results for the sake of other users that have the same problem.

If someone has any idea on how to solve this then it'll be much appreciated!
It may not be the FCUSB , how is the connection to the 5101 ? Have you verified all the connections to it ?