• Visit https://www.embeddedcomputers.net/ for Hardware; Software and all other things related to FlashcatUSB



New Member
Please add support for this! Thank You in advance!


SOP version

Connected to FlashcatUSB XPORT, firmware version: 5.08
Firmware features supported: SPI, I2C, EXTIO
Initializing EXT I/O hardware board
EXT I/O board successfully initialized
Attempting to automatically detect Flash device
Mode NAND X8 ASYNC returned ident code: 0x1212121212
Mode NOR X16 (Word addressing) returned ident code: 0xFEFF031746
Mode NOR X16 (Byte addressing) returned ident code: 0xFEFF6E42EE
Mode NOR X8 returned ident code: 0xFE00031746
Connected to Flash (CHIP ID: 0xFE00031746)
Common Flash Interface information not present
For device support email contact@embeddedcomputers.net with the DEVICE ID