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PCB 1.4 AMBIT 256 NOT bcusb.rc15.326 not supported


New Member
i am new here but have had a bcusb for a number of years i read that this device now supports the ambit 256 spi ic but cant get it to recognise the chip i am using the latest firmware,software and drivers
i have checked my wireing many times and think its all correct
can you please help
Can you post pics of your connection from BCUSB to the Chip ? Also are you trying it in situ or have you removed the Chip ?
Also your BCUSB must be on 3.3v setting for this to function properly.
hi sorry for the late reply
i have soldered directly to the ic in situ according to the documentation in the 326 folder
how do i ensure the 3.3v on a v1.4 board
As you have V1.4 there is no alternate switch , so you will only have a default setting , as you have removed the SPI chip from the board , and connected it according to the diagram , what output do you get in the console window.
i havent removed the ic but in the console window it just says not supported
i am not currently at home to test further
can i ad a switch for the 3.3v myself
ihave just purchased a new 32m atmeg ic for the blackcat to improve the functionallity will this be ok if i could put in a swith for 3.3 i will have fully upgraded mybcusb
Ok if the Chip is still on the board then it is connected somewhat differently than the diagram in the pdf.

1. VCC and HOLD# do not get connected.
2. You must have the ISP connection on the modem itself connected as well
do you mean must have the cable in from my service provider does the modem need power or not
so you mean disconnect 7 and 8 and plug in provider cable then try
can a switch for 3.3v be added to the v1.4 board and will the 32m ic just replace and work once flashed
thanks for your help
No ISP in this case means In-System Programming , you have to connect this in order to get a proper detection , refer to this pic http://www.usbjtag.com/jtagnt/modem/ambit256.php , in the 2nd pic you will notice the red wire connecting the 2 points , this is the ISP point for this modem.
When these points are connected then power up the modem , you should on have 1 solid LED on. Then start the software and you should get a detection.
Pins 7 & 8 are not connected when using this method.
Replacing the chip for a 32u2 on the BCUSB board will work , you can also add your own switch if you so wish.
thanks that has cleared a lot up
can you give points on the v1.4 board to ad the 3.3v switch
thanks again
I did not design the board so it is hard for me to follow the tracks as it is coated. But to be honest i would not worry too much about the switch as once you swap the at90usb for the atmega32u2 you will get the correct 3.3v
still says not supported with power to the modem it says no flash device found

LibUsbDotNet version:
BlackcatUSB Script Engine build: 202
Welcome to BlackcatUSB interfacing software, build: 326
Running on: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit)
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Unable to connect to compatible SPI device
Disconnected from BlackcatUSB
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Unable to connect to compatible SPI device
any advice
Can you post pics of your connections from BCUSB to the modem ??
Also is your ISP connected properly ie. just the first LED solid ?
i did get it to register 1 time i think
it said jedec 80.0000 mode 1 fors/? 2mhz
thats only from memory as it restarted then
2012-06-24-009.jpg2012-06-24-010.jpg 2012-06-24-008.jpg
In your pics you still have pins 7&8 connected ?
As you are getting a part reading it is almost correct , occasionally i got this error too.
It seems to be that it needs to be done in a certain sequence for it to kick in
This is what i do

1. let the modem boot as normal ( no BCUSB or ISP connection)
2. Connect the BCUSB
3. Power up the modem
4. Start the software

And 9/10 i get a connection , it can be temperamental.
replaced atmel flashed with 326 spi 3.04 still the same 2 errors in isp mode and without
flashed 318 spi 2.2 i t an id 3f33f3f or 7f7f7f7f or 33f033ff unsuported
in isp mode or not random but with only a few sets of numbers
also with power or not
and the voltage about 4.28v - 5.00v from bcusb 3.28v -3.2
any ideas
Just out of curiosity , how long is your lead from BCUSB to the soldered chip ? Note this lead should be as short as possible.
Does the modem still boot as normal ?
If so try this
Power up modem ( no isp)
Once LED's go through there sequence connect the ISP wire
Connect BCUSB
Start software and see if it detects.
the lead is about 175mm and no the modem no longer boots correctly as i tried in nordick and thought this may force write but did something did happen as i can no longer reach the modem
i also tried the way you suggested above i just cut the isp wire then just twisted the wires together after the modem had been connected for a couple of minutes
Don't know what else to suggest as i have no issues getting it to work with a v1.2 ;v1.7 and v1.8

30-06-2012 12-15-48.png
hi mate
witch do you think it is modem or bcusb as i have tried a few things
LibUsbDotNet version:
BlackcatUSB Script Engine build: 202
Welcome to BlackcatUSB interfacing software, build: 326
Running on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32 bit)
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.01
Unable to connect to compatible SPI device
Disconnected from BlackcatUSB
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.01
Unable to connect to compatible SPI device
Disconnected from BlackcatUSB
Device connected in DFU bootloader mode
Sending AVR DFU erase command
AVR DFU command successful
Beginning AVR flash write (6402 bytes)
AVR flash written successfully
Disconnected from BlackcatUSB
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Unable to connect to compatible SPI device
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Opening device in SPI Mode 3 (Fosc/2 MSB)
Connected to Flash (JEDEC: F0 1060)
For read write support email contact@embeddedcomputers.net with JEDEC ID
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Opening device in SPI Mode 0 (Fosc/2 MSB)
Connected to Flash (JEDEC: 87 FFFF)
For read write support email contact@embeddedcomputers.net with JEDEC ID
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Opening device in SPI Mode 3 (Fosc/2 MSB)
Connected to Flash (JEDEC: F2 5704)
For read write support email contact@embeddedcomputers.net with JEDEC ID

to here win xp with powerno isp

Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Unable to connect to compatible SPI device
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Unable to connect to compatible SPI device
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Unable to connect to compatible SPI device
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Opening device in SPI Mode 1 (Fosc/2 MSB)
Connected to Flash (JEDEC: 00 0000)
For read write support email contact@embeddedcomputers.net with JEDEC ID
Device connected in SPI mode, firmware version: 3.04
Opening device in SPI Mode 1 (Fosc/2 MSB)
Connected to Flash (JEDEC: 00 0000)
For read write support email contact@embeddedcomputers.net with JEDEC ID

then with isp
is my bcusb fubar or is the modem
i have also shortened the wires
thanks for all your help so far