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New Member
want to flash 6190 with bitware firmware, gonna buy the mach1 which solderless clip would i need for this to work?
Even if you buy a Mach1 and the 360 clip you will need some way to connect the two, currently Zeigren does not make adapter boards compatible with Mach1 and xPort 2.0 so you will have to wait or use a bread board to make your own
ricktendo u happen to know the pinout of the sb6190 so i can make one? the chip is a S34ML01G200TF100 thanks
want to flash 6190 with bitware firmware, gonna buy the mach1 which solderless clip would i need for this to work?
yes you can, all what you need to do is to ask them when you order the Mach1 is to send you a Mach1 Adapter Nand X8 so you can use the same adapter you use to use with the xport.
Cheapest option is to buy an SD Card adapter and SD Card Reader, it will take some skill but its doable.
Should be the same as the 1602
