Changes or additions since RC12
* JTAG / SPI / DFU drivers all combined into a single driver folder.
There is a Win2K folder inside the driver folder for legacy support.
+ Now using SIGNED drivers! Will install without F8 workaround on Vista64 / Win7
+ Added SBV6220 and DPC2100 device scripts
+ Added over 20 SPI flash devices (see full list in documentation folder)
+ Added over 50 CFI flash device definitions
+ Added FlashFind command feature for JTAG mode
+ Updated LibUsbDotNet.dll library to newest version (2.2.8)
+ Changed: software is now 100% dot net compatible (C++ dependancy dropped)
+ Changed: Windows XP and newer driver is now WinUSB (LibUSB still supported)
+ Improved: JTAG Flash speed increased by 20%! Typical time to program a 1MB
firmware file is less than 25 seconds! Typical time to read a target device
firmware is now less than 10 seconds! Please use IDC cable of 8" or less.
+ Improved: SPI Flash read speed increased (from 170KB/s to up to 400KB/s!)
+ Improved: SPI Flash write speed increased (now up to 250KB/s!)
+ Fixed: Fixed script when user would cancel a action or scripts using labels
that begin with the word "exit".
Changes or additions since RC11
+ Removed 64 bit install folders as drivers no longer need additional install steps.
+ Added lots of documenation
+ Added SPI AVR firmware and software support
+ Added new script engine for better performance, code structure and support
+ Improved EJTAG read data performance by 50% (from 78KB/s to 113KB/s)
- Known issues: There is a problem with the speed on various USB controllers
regarding the write speed on SPI devices. This should normally go about 100K
but the packets are being scheduled and timed delay resulting in 20K. We are
looking into fixing this for a future update that will include more speed
Changes or additions since RC10
+ Cleaned up interface GUI
+ Added additional information print to console
+ Added internal DFU engine to allow software to upgrade the board over USB
You will no longer need to install JAVA or FLIP in order to do unit upgrade
+ Made directory for directions on how to install in 64 bit Windows OS
+ Removed Board Update folder
+ Combined ATMEL DFU driver (bootloader mode) with normal BCUSB App mode
Changes or additions since RC9
+ Added new flash engine with universal flash write support
Supported CFI modes: Intel (16-bit), Intel (32-bit), AMD (8-bit), AMD (16-bit)
+ Improved flash writing speed for many devices.
+ Removed SDK (new SDK coming soon)
+ Updated board firmware to 6.01
This firmware is required to use this software version and vice versa
+ Updated software GUI with minor changes
Download: http://www.embeddedcomputers.net/products/BlackcatUSB/BCUSB.RC13.zip